Vol. 46 No. 195 (2006)
Full Issue
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C. Ochoa Sangrador, M.F. Brezmes Valdivieso, L. López-Urrutia Lorente, M.N. Gutiérrez Zufiaurrez, M.V. Barajas Sánchez, A.F. Bajo Delgado
32 - 38
Epidemiology of the streptococcic pharyngeal infection in a health area
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J. Rodríguez Calleja, M.T. González Martínez, R. Rodríguez Rodríguez, M.T. Prada Pereira, C. Mosquera Villaverde, I. Fidalgo Álvarez
39 - 45
Evolution of natality and neonatal and perinatal mortality in the Health Area El Bierzo: 1992-2004
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Clinical cases

P. Alonso López, S. Castrillo Bustamante, P. Álvarez Mingorance, R. Adán Pedroso, M.P. Aragón García
46 - 50
Incontinencia pigmenti. Neonatal presentation
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I. Ledesma Benítez, R. Álvarez Ramos, J.M. Marugán de Miguelsanz
51 - 55
Acute cholestasis and type IVa choledoch cyst. A case report
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Special article

M. Alonso Franch, M.P. Redondo del Río, J. Torrecilla Cañas, M.J. Castro Alija, F. Conde Redondo, D. Redondo Merinero, Mª.J. Martínez Sopena
74 - 108
Difficulties of the stimulation of energy output in the infant population
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