Análisis nutricional y de la ingesta dietética en niños con enfermedad celíaca y dieta exenta de gluten
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Coeliac disease
Gluten-free diet
Nutritional status.

How to Cite

Marugán de Miguelsanz J, Ordóñez Bayón MJ, Rodríguez Martínez M. Análisis nutricional y de la ingesta dietética en niños con enfermedad celíaca y dieta exenta de gluten. Bol Pediatr. 2001;41(178):354-372. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Abstract Objectives. Assessment of nutritional status, quantitative dietary intake and food habits, in coeliac children with a gluten-free diet (GFD) and a control group. Patients and methods. We study 27 children diagnosed of coeliac disease or in the process of confirmation according to SPGHAN, with GFD at least six months ago. Moreover we include 27 healthy children matched with those. The dietary analysis was performed by two methods: a quantitative system, 24 hour dietary recall, with respect to RDA, and a qualitative method, the seven-day food frequency questionnaire. We express the anthropometric evaluation by means of Z score of weight, height and bodymass index. Results. The nutritional status of coeliac children was similar to the controls. It observe in both groups an elevated caloric intake (126 and 121% of RDA in coeliac and control children), of proteins (16-17% of caloric whole), and lipids (42-40%), and low intake of carbohydrates (41-42%) and fibre. At the micronutrients level only we emphasize a larger intake of vitamins A (p<0.05) and E (p<0.01) in the coeliacs. Finally, the children with GFD consume less foods of cereal group, especially bread, milky elaborated products and precooked foods, and a greater number of eggs. Conclusions. In spite of the observed differences in the dietary habits, the GFD had a similar composition that in the controls, therefore its nutritional risk by a long time don?t appear greater that the general population.

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