Vol. 49 No. 207 (2009)
Full Issue
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S. Lapeña López de Armentia
1 - 2
Dilemmas regarding acute bronchiolitis
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E. de Goicoechea Manzanares, R. Torres Peral, F. Lorente Toledano
3 - 15
Guideline for the treatment of infants with allergy to cow milk proteins: comparative data sheet of the specific formulae available on the Spanish market
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A. Calvo Gómez-Rodulfo, J.E. García López, J.D. Herrero-Morín, G. Rodríguez García, F. González Guerra
16 - 23
Hereditary pediatric angioedema
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E.M. Fernández Fernández Fernández Fernández, M. Fernández Díaz, J.M. Fernández Menéndez, C. Suárez Castañón, J. Melgar Pérez, C. Pérez Méndez, S. Málaga Guerrero
24 - 28
Diagnostic-therapeutic variability in children with a first wheezing episode
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C. Ortega Casanueva, C. Ochoa Sangrador, T. Raga Poveda, L. Casado Sánchez, E. Domínguez Bernal, D. Romero Escós
29 - 34
Acute bronchiolitis of the infant in the providence of Segovia (2000-2007)
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E. Bausela Herreras, C. Isis Orozco
35 - 40
Analysis of some psychometric properties of the Luria-Initial battery in a sample of Potosino school children
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C. Suárez Castañón, M. Morán Poladura, R. Pardo de la Vega, C. Pérez Méndez
41 - 45
Acute mastoiditis: one-decade long epidemiological study
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D. Mata Zubillaga, S. Prieto Espuñes, L. Regueras Santos, E. Álvaro Iglesias
46 - 50
Acute mastoiditis in the present decade: Evolution and characteristics in our setting
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Clinical cases

S. Fernández de Miguel, E. de Goicoechea Manzanares, M. Gaboli, J.M. Sánchez Granados, V. Murga Herrera
51 - 53
Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis associated to pneumococcal pneumonia
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I. Moussou, E. Alfredo Duro
54 - 57
Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and unilateral defects of the limbs. CHILD syndrome
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Pediatric polytrauma management

A. Concha Torre, C. Rey Galán, J. Rodríguez Suárez
58 - 68
Abdominal traumatism
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A. Concha Torre, C. Rey Galán, S. Suárez Saavedra
69 - 77
Sedation and analgesics in pediatric polytraumatism
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F. Piedra de La Llana, A. Medina Villanueva, A. Concha Torre
78 - 90
Immobilization and mobilization of the polytraumatized child
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