Vol. 51 No. 217 (2011)
Full Issue
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J.J. Díaz Martín
163 - 164
A new stage
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Cristina Castaño de la Mota, B. Herrero Velasco, G. Yep Chullen, Mª C. García García, M. Sánchez Bayle
165 - 168
Association between allergy and cow's milk protein intolerance and hemorrhagic enterocolitis in the first month of life
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Isabelle Beaudry Bellefeuille, E. Ramos Polo
169 - 176
Combined treatment of voluntary stool retention with drugs and occupational therapy
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Francisco Álvarez Caro, A. Pérez Guirado, M. García González, D. González Jiménez, Á. Gómez Farpón, F.J. Herrera Pérez
177 - 180
Foreign body aspiration: a case report
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Pediatrics and the Internet

David Pérez Solís
204 - 216
Web 2.0 in Medicine: a combination of useful tools and an opportunity for change


C. Pérez Méndez, G. Solís Sánchez
Dra. Matilde Roza Suárez
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