Vol. 58 No. 244 (2018)
Full Issue
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F. Centeno Malfaz
At the service of Pediatrics
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M. Chávez-Bonilla, M.G. Cuéllar-Romo, N.E. Pando-Aguilar, Luis Fernando Barba Gallardo
88 - 94
Evaluation with the screening STAMP tool (Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics) by health personnel to pediatric patients
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M. Pérez Colino, B. Ordóñez Méndez, E. Seijo Zazo, Venancio Martínez Suárez
95 - 106
Hospitalization in an Infantile Psychiatric Unit: 5 years experience
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Miguel Ángel San José González, P. Méndez Fernández
107 - 116
The picky eater and the importance of a good beginning
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J.M. Marugán de Miguelsanz, C. Alonso Vicente, R. Torres Peral, C. Ochoa Sangrador, A. Fernández-Valderrama, C. Iglesias Blázquez, A.M. Vegas Álvarez, J.M. Bartolomé Porro, S. Kanaan Leis, L. Crespo Valderrábano, C. Menéndez, H. Expósito de Mena, C. González-Lamuño, P. Alonso L´ópez
117 - 124
Update on complementary feeding
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Clinical cases

Sara I. Marín Urueña, M.E. Infante López, M.M. Montejo Vicente, C. Escribano García, C. Alcalde Martín, S. Caserío Carbonero
125 - 128
Recurring sepsis. Where is Streptococcus agalactiae hidden?
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