Vol. 37 No. 160 (1997)
Full Issue
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Mª.J. Lozano de la Torre
65 - 66
A new stage
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S. Málaga Guerrero, M. Antón Gamero
67 - 72
The solitary kidney in childhood
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C. Rodríguez, M.A. Revilla, R. Bustamante, M.L. González, J. Ardura
85 - 89
School stress. Classification of the students by analitical tests
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C. Redondo Figuero, J. Morán Sánchez, G. Castellano Barca, H. Paniagua Repetto, M.P. Martínez Solana, S. Montequi Nogués, M. González-Alciturri Casanueva, V. Canduela Martínez, J. Revuelta Alonso
90 - 100
Cholesterol levels in children from Cantabria
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M.C. Andrés de Llano, A. Sánchez, J.M. Andrés, J. Aldana, M.J. Sánchez, S. Carnicero, S. Alberola, L. Aguilera
101 - 106
Cow’s milk intolerance (CMI) in the health area of Palencia during the last five years. Study of specific IgE
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Clinical cases

M.J. Ordóñez, J.M. Marugán, A. Cabello, S. Lapeña , C. Nieves
107 - 109
Hypertransaminasemia sustained due to a myopathia
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Special article

A. Blanco Quirós, I. Fernández, J.J. Tellería, A. Sanz
112 - 119
Prevention of neonatal metabolopathies in Castilla and León
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