Vol. 46 No. Supl.2 (2006): Protocols in Pediatric Primary Care
Protocols in Pediatric Primary Care
Full Issue
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F.A. Ordóñez Álvarez
Patología respiratoria en pediatría
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M.A. Alonso Álvarez, R. García Mozo
180 - 188
Minor digestive disorders in infant
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A. Pericacho Conde, B. Sánchez González
189 - 199
Failure to thrive
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M.C. Soler Balda, C. San Segundo Nieto
200 - 205
Indications and prescription of special formula
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O. Rubinos Cuadrado, I. Mora Gandarillas
206 - 214
Chronic abdominal pain
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J.J. Díaz Martín, S. Málaga Guerrero
215 - 221
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases from childhood
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V. Martínez Suárez, F. Santos Rodríguez
222 - 229
Urinary tract infection (UTI) in the child: Diagnostic-therapeutic plan
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M.Á. Hernández Encinas
230 - 237
Nighttime enuresis
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F.Á. Ordóñez Álvarez, S. Málaga Guerrero
238 - 243
Signs of renal disease: hematuria and proteinuria
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S. Ballesteros García
244 - 248
Headaches in childhood
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M. Fernández Pérez., M.M. López Benito
249 - 257
Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity: Pediatric management
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E. Pérez Gil, M. Sánchez Rodríguez
258 - 260
Febrile seizures
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B. Aguirrezabalaga González, C. Pérez Méndez
261 - 264
Short height: Diagnosis and following from Primary Care
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A.M. Pérez López, M.L. Prieto Salcedo
265 - 272
Puberty disorders
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A. Ibáñez Fernández, J.J. Díez Tomás
273 - 280
Basic cardiological examination
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M.L. Prieto Salcedo, A.M. Pérez López
281 - 285
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A. Fernández Castro
286 - 293
Community acquired pneumonia
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S. Montequi Nogues, J.C. Santos Sánchez
294 - 303
Bacterial infections of the upper tracts: Otitis, tonsillitis
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G. Gala Ortiz
304 - 310
Suspicion of food and drug allergy
N. Fernández García, B. Aguirrezabalaga González
311 - 317
Anemias in childhood. Iron anemia
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R.I Fernández Fernández, M. Mateo Martínez
318 - 320
Pediatric resuscitation trolley in Primary Care
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R. García Mozo, A. Alonso Alvarez
321 - 326
Symptomatic treatment of frequent symptoms in Pediatrics
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J. López Olmedo
327 - 335
Back and lower limb conditions
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J.E. García García
336 - 344
Up-dating of child vaccination
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B. Aguirrezabalaga González
345 - 350
Acute intoxication in Pediatrics
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D.J. Peláez Mata
351 - 357
Approach to surgical emergencies in Primary Care Pediatrics
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J. Silva Rico, D. Sánchez Díaz
358 - 366
ENT and ophthalmological pediatric emergencies in Primary Care
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A. Martín Ruano, J. Martín Ruano
367 - 378
Health problems in immigrant child
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