Vol. 49 No. 209 (2009)
Full Issue
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A. Blanco Quirós Blanco Quirós, E. Arranz Sanz, J.A. Garrote Adrados
220 - 226
Sunlight, vitamin D and tuberculosis
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M.Á. San José González, P. Méndez Fernández
227 - 243
Urinary tract infection in children: new guidelines, new forms
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I. Fernández Jiménez, A. Sánchez Abuín, E. de Diego García, J.M. Maestre Alonso, P. Hernández Pinto, C. Suárez Castaño, G. Herrera Calvo, E. Guemes Veguillas, M. Maestro de La Calera, I. Castro Ramos, S. Duque González, A. Rubio Alvarez
244 - 247
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis and spinal anesthesia
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A. Bercedo Sanz, L.A. Lastra Martínez, C. Redondo Figuero, P. Gortázar Arias, Mª A. de Andrés Fraile, M. López Hoyos, F. Pérez Hernández
248 - 258
Profile of asthmatic children and adolescents in Primary Care
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D. Mata Zubillaga, Á. Suárez Rodríguez, C. Torres Hinojal, A. Carro Serrano, E. Ortega García
259 - 262
Use of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as a screening tool in psychiatric disorders in the pediatrics consultations of Primary Care
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Clinical cases

C. Lobete Prieto, J. Mayordomo Colunga, S. Jiménez Treviño, J.J. Díaz Martín, C. Bousoño García, E. Ramos Polo
263 - 265
Coagulopathy as initial presentation of an alpha 1 antitryipsin deficiency
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C. Rodríguez Fernández, R. Álvarez Ramos, L.J. Ferrero de La Mano, S. Lapeña López de Armentía, R. Morales Sánchez
266 - 268
Right aortic arch associated to Kommerell's diverticulm and aberrant left subclavian artery
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