Vol. 50 No. 214 (2010)
Full Issue
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V.M. García Nieto, E. Civantos Fuentes, M. Gresa Muñoz
261 - 262
Speaking about the pediatric specialties
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F.J. Núñez Núñez, E. Artola Aizalde, V. Cancela Muñiz, C. Fernández Ramos, J. Rodrigo Palacios
263 - 271
Ginecomastia: fisiopatology and update of the therapeutic options
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E. Bausela Herreras
272 - 276
Executive function and development in the preschool stage
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J.M. Sánchez Granados, O. Serrano Ayestarán, V. Murga Herrera, S. Kanaan Leis, S. Sabín Carreño, M.J. Cuscó Fernández
277 - 280
Prevalence of pneumococcal meningitis in the province of Salamanca
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Clinical cases

M. González Sánchez, J. Mayordomo Colunga, E. Larrea Tamayo, S. González Muñiz, A. Sariego Jamardo
281 - 284
Vaso-occlusive crisis, a frequent complication of drepanocytosis
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R. Morales Sánchez, R. Álvarez Ramos, L. Fernández Pérez, C. Rodríguez Fernández, C. Iglesias Blázquez, A. Jiménez González
285 - 290
Management of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the first month of life
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Y. Ramírez Benítez, H. Marchena Morera, E. Bausela Herreras
291 - 296
Long term cognitive sequels in a case of acquired brain damage
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B. Nieto Almeida, D. Moreno Jiménez
297 - 299
Temporary? henna tattoos
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Curso de Nefrología Pediátrica

Mª.J. Hernández González
306 - 309
Hypomagnesemias of genetic origin
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Mª.D. Rodrigo Jiménez
310 - 313
Hipouricemia tubular renal
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Trastornos del aprendizaje

J. Arias Álvarez, V. Granda Morán, I. Málaga Diéguez
314 - 323
Psychopedagogical intervention
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M.T. Palau, S. Lapeña , J.M. Marugán de Miguelsanz, L.M. Rodríguez
En la jubilación del Dr. Emilio Álvaro Iglesias: El buen jardinero
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327 - 330
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