Vol. 54 No. 229 (2014)
Full Issue
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C. Bousoño García, Mª Á. de Miguel Mallén
137 - 139
Expansion of early neonatal cystic fibrosis screening program in Spain
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Mª Teresa Penela Vélez de Guevara, M.T. Alarcón Alacio, C. García-Vao Bel, M.J. Rivero Martín
156 - 159
Acute focal nephritis: our experience
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David González Jiménez, C. Bousoño García, J.J. Díaz Martín, M.F. Rivas Crespo, M.D. Acuña Quirós, S. Heredia González, A. Sojo Aguirre, A. Lázaro Almarza
160 - 167
Current vitamin status in pediatric and young adult patients with cystic fibrosis
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María Teresa Leonardo Cabello, R. Sancho Gutiérrez, L. García Higuera, E. Pérez Belmonte, M.J. Cabero Pérez
168 - 172
Knowledge that parents of asthmatic children have about medical treatment of asthma
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Pediatrics and the Internet

David Pérez Solís
173 - 182
New free programs for the management of references
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