Vol. 37 No. 159 (1997)
Full Issue
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S. Málaga Guerrero
1 - 2
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R. Palencia, J. J. Tellería
3 - 8
The fragile X syndrome. Review of the problem
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C. Loza Cortina
9 - 18
Peanut allergy
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J.A. Villelabeitia Deusto
19 - 33
Cholesterol and triglycerides in children and adolescent
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M.E. Vázquez, C. Cordón, C. de Hoyos, M.P. Aragón
34 - 39
Neonatal withdrawal syndrome by methadone
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M. Martínez, M. Miguélez, A. Barbero, C. Rodríguez-Corona, J.M. Muro, E.J. Mena
40 - 45
Bacterial gastroenteritis. Clinical and epidemiological study of 462 cases
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Clinical cases

C. Amo, A. Bercedo, P. Vallés
46 - 49
Tricuspid atresia. Prenatal diagnosis
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Special article

G. Solís Sánchez, C. Pérez Méndez, R. Rodríguez Posada, J. Llaneza Ruiz, S. Ballesteros García, A. Rodríguez Fernández
52 - 57
Study of oral communications reported in the last years meetings of SCCALP
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