Vol. 37 No. 162 (1997)
Full Issue
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C.A. Díaz Vázquez
200 - 206
Territorial organization of care for the child with asthma: Guide for starting an Area Plan (II): operational planning
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L.M. Rodríguez Fernández, S. Lapeña López de Armentia, J.M. Marugán Miguelsanz
207 - 210
Treatment of idiopathic hypercalciuria
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J.B. González de la Rosa, J.M. Merino Arribas, R. Montero Alonso, J. Sánchez Martín
211 - 220
Sudden infant death: Indications of home monitoring
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S. Alberola López, Mª del Real Llorente, R. Ortega García, B. Maestro González, J. Andrés de Llano
221 - 225
Telephone consultation: Use and possibilities in primary health care
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M. Pelaz, J.A. Gil Verona, J.F. Pastor, B. Bodega, S. Aguilar
226 - 229
Language disorders in a sample of young-aged patients (<6 years)
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M. Pelaz, J.A. Gil Verona, J.F. Pastor, B. Bodega, S. Aguilar
230 - 233
Language disorders in a sample of scholastic and adult aged patients (>6 years)
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Clinical cases

A. Grande, M. Martín, E. Nava, M. García Fernández, O. Terceiro, V. Santamartina, P. González
234 - 238
Hereditary tyrosinemia, type I. Based on two observations
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M.C. de Hoyos , J.M. Pascual Pérez, M.P. Aragón, R. Ortiz Lejarazu
239 - 242
Perinatal varicella. A potential risk
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M.C. de Hoyos , J.M. Pascual Pérez, M.P. Aragón , C. González, J. Ardura
243 - 246
Atrioventricular and ventriculo-arterial discordance without associated defects
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E. Sierra, S. Jiménez, R. Sánchez, J. González García, S. Calleja
247 - 250
Vasculorenal hypertension in adolescents
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J.M. Fernández Menéndez, J.L. Matesanz Pérez, R. Rodríguez Posada, S. Ballesteros García, C. Pérez Méndez, G. Solís Sánchez
251 - 253
Usefulness of the gammagraphy with TC99 labeled dimercapatosuccinic acid (DMSA) in pediatric patients selected with non-focal febrile syndrome
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