Vol. 48 No. 205 (2008)
Full Issue
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F. Claverie Martín, E. Ramos Trujillo, F.J. González Paredes
235 - 241
Techniques for molecular diagnosis of hereditary diseases
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V. Martínez Suárez, M. Fernández Díaz
242 - 248
Prevention of obesity: between scientific evidence and pessimism
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F. Álvarez Caro, J. Mayordomo Colunga, E. Valdés Vázquez, S. Jiménez Treviño, S. Suárez Saavedra, J. Rodríguez Suárez
249 - 258
Management and characteristics of bronchiolitis in children under three months of age admitted to a tertiary hospital
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D. Mata Zubillaga, I. Ledesma Benítez, R. Morales Sánchez, M. Rosón Varas, S. Lapeña López de Armentia
259 - 264
Perinatal characteristics of the newborn child of an immigrant mother in the Health Care Complex of León
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I. Díez López, A. Rodríguez Estévez
265 - 270
Results of a nutritional intervention in obese immigrant children
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R. Pardo de la Vega, M. Morán, E.M. Fernández, E. Díaz, M. Villar, L. Otero
271 - 275
Comparative study of urinary infections in a health care area (1992-2006)
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Clinical cases

D. Mata Zubillaga, C. Iglesias Blázquez, B. Herrero Mendoza, C. Rodríguez Fernández, S. Lapeña López de Armentia
276 - 278
Alagille's syndrome and hepatic transplantation
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Pediatric polytrauma management

C. Rey Galán, S. Menéndez Cuervo, A. Concha Torre
279 - 284
Traumatism of the spinal cord, pelvis and limbs
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M. Los Arcos Solas, A. Concha Torre, S. Prieto Espuñes
285 - 293
Special situations in the polytraumatized patient
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J. López Bayón, A. Medina Villanueva, A. Concha Torre
294 - 302
Transportation of the polytraumatized patient
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