Vol. 51 No. 215 (2011)
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V.M. García Nieto, S. González Cerrato, V.E. García Rodríguez, M.I. Luis Yanes, M.I. Luis Yanes, L. Martín Conde, E. Pozo García
3 - 10
Asymptomatic bacteriuria
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I. Oulego Erroz, D. Naranjo Vivas
11 - 27
Heart and lung: good friends, worse enemies (I). Etiology and pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary interactions
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D. Naranjo Vivas, I. Oulego Erroz
28 - 38
Heart and lung: good friends, worse enemies (II). Diagnostic-therapeutic approach to pulmonary hypertension
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A. Cano Garcinuño, I. Carvajal Urueña, C.A. Díaz Vázquez, I. Mora Gandarillas, P. Mola Caballero De Rodas, Á. García Merino, B. Domínguez Aurrecoechea
39 - 46
Controlling asthma in children: validity of the Asthma Control Questionnaire and its relationship with pulmonary function and exhaled nitric oxide
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N. Rodríguez Arias, E. Pérez Rubio, C. Arribas Cano, M.I. González Viñas, R. Tesoro González, M. Espinosa de La Iglesia, M. González González, C. Ochoa Sangrador
47 - 52
Variability of the blood pressure measurement in Pediatrics. A clinical practice study
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P. Paredes Lascano, A. Calle Miñaca
53 - 59
How does maternal height and different weight factors affect the newborn?
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C. Rodríguez Fernández, R. Álvarez Ramos, L.M. Rodríguez Fernández, L.D. Moreno Duque, S. Lapeña López de Armentia, M.A. Rodríguez García
60 - 66
Applicability of the Clinical Pediatric Echocardiography Practice Guidelines and their repercussion in the detection of heart disease
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Curso de Nefrología Pediátrica

M. Monge Zamorano
67 - 72
Bartter Syndrome
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J. López Sastre
73 - 74
Dr. José Luis Fanjul Fernández
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