Vol. 34 No. 150 (1993)
Full Issue
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C. González Pérez, A. Cabal García, P. Turiel Lobo, S. Martín Sánchez, J.A. Tarrazo Suárez, C. Zazo Fernández
255 - 263
Study of lipidie profile in a pediatric population of 10-14 years old in primary health care
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J.M. Almaraz Romo, M.E. Garrido Bellido
265 - 272
Influence of corticosteroids on asthmatic children growth. I. General pharmacological effect
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J.A. Gómez Carrasco, R. López Alonso, J.J. Jiménez García, E. García de Frías
273 - 286
New trends in infantile asthma. I. Systems and devices for drugs administra­ tion and selfcare
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Imágenes en Pediatría

J. Calvo Blanco, E. González Díaz, M.T. Fonticiella Soto, J.B. García Hernández, M. Orense Collado
287 - 288
Condromatosis sinovial (osteocondromatosis)
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Clinical cases

M.J. Cabero, M. Martínez Martínez, J.L. Álvarez Granda, E. Bureo, M. García Fuentes
289 - 292
Acute nephropathy due to uric acid as the form of presentation in a case of T-cell lymphoma-leukemia
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M. Fernández Francés, D. González-Lamuño Leguina, Y. Mirones Martínez, P. Valles Urriza, P. Cagigas Daza, P. Valles Serrano
293 - 296
Double chamber right ventricle due to anomalous band
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M.J. Díez Huerga, M.A. Alonso Álvarez, M.A. Cepeda Martínez, M.J. Antuña García
297 - 300
Vertebral eosinophilic granuloma. A case report
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M.P. Pérez García, J. Prieto Veiga, V. Marugán Isabel, J. Cedeño Montaño, E. Álvarez Aparicio
301 - 305
Graves-Basedow's disease: A propos of five cases
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G. Matesanz, A. Gracia, J.J. Cuervo, E. Díaz, R. Rodríguez, J.L. Matesanz
307 - 308
Odontogenic fibromyxoma
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M. Herrera Martín, C. Reig del Moral, J. García Velázquez, M.N. Burguillo Jiménez, E. Palencia Garrido-Lestache, P. Cuadrado Bello
309 - 312
Migraneous syndrome with pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CEF). Report of a case
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