Vol. 35 No. 153 (1994)
Full Issue
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C. Gutiérrez
181 - 183
State present the Tubercolosis
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I. Fidalgo Álvarez, D. López Pacios, C. Piñeiro Fernández, E. Fuello Orallo
185 - 192
Smoking habit and pulmonary function among teenagers from Bierzo
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B. Morales Franco, M.L. de la Morena Fernández
193 - 199
Differential diagnosis in child abuse
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S. Lapeña, S. Reguero, L.M. Rodríguez
201 - 206
The child and the sport. I. Evolutive and maduratice development of the child
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S. Málaga Guerrero, F. Fernández López
207 - 211
Education of sick child from the medical point of view
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J.I. Reguera, J.M. Eiros, R. Pérez Grana, R. Ortiz de Lejarazu, A. Rodríguez Torres
213 - 222
Role of adenoviruses in infantile gastroenteritis
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Imágenes en Pediatría

V. Henales Villate, J. Pérez Payarols, A. Pastor Artigues, C. Aguilar Illescas, M. Rodríguez Romero, M. Herrera Saval
223 - 225
Lesiones cutáneas y distress respiratorio con patrón intersticial y neumotórax en un recién nacido
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Clinical cases

M. Gutiérrez Fernández, S. Lapeña López de Armentía, M.C. Torres Hinojal, G. Menau Martín, S. Reguero Celada, E. Álvaro Iglesias
227 - 229
Infantile visceral leishmaniasis. One case in Leon province
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P. Vallés, D. González Lamuño, C. Quevedo Villegas, P. Vallés Urriza, F. da Casa, S. García Calatayud
231 - 237
Fetal alcohol syndrome and cardiopathy
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I. Sinovas, A. Fierro, M. Martínez, J. Mediavilla, J.M. Muro, E.J. Mena
239 - 243
Severe saline poisoning due to excessive intake of sodium in oral rehydration
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J.M. García Puga, M.C. Morata Céspedes, J. Simancas Carrión, T. Jiménez Romero
245 - 247
Transient hyperphosphatasemia in children. A case report
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J. García Velázquez, E. García Jiménez, N. Burguillo Jiménez, J. Palencia Garrido-Lestache, M. Herrera Martín, C. Reig del Moral, P. Cuadrado Bello
249 - 253
Familiar hypobetalipoproteinemia
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