Genodermatosis ictiosiforms, colodion baby. A case report and bibliographic review
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baby collodion

How to Cite

Paredes Lascano P. Genodermatosis ictiosiforms, colodion baby. A case report and bibliographic review. Bol Pediatr. 2007;47(199):68-71. Accessed March 12, 2025.


The genodermatosis disseminated ictiosiformes or widespread that can be presented from the birth or in the first years of life, they are terms that contain to a group of genetic dysfunctions characterized by dry skin, descamación and hiperqueratosis that you/they remember to those ?you scale of a fish? and they receive the ichthyosis name. They exist three squares ictiosiformes that are manifested in an alarming way in the newly born one, two of them, the colloidon baby and the ichthyosis in harlequin. The case is described of a colloidón baby in the central region of the Ecuador. The clinical manifestations were: ectropion, eclabium, membrane hyperqueratosic of aspect apergaminado in the whole body, epífora, pavilions deformed headphones, mummified aspect, alterations ungueales, edema and sudatión of palms and plants. It is necessary to make a pursuit of the long term survival of these children and with diagnostic studis to document the entity genotípicamente although fenotípicamente is very defined.


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