Executive functioning and initial luria: About a case
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Phonemic hearing
Verbal regulation
Deficit of attention and hyperactivity

How to Cite

Bausela Herreras E, Ramírez Benítez Y, Martínez Gutiérrez G, Orozco Moreno C. Executive functioning and initial luria: About a case. Bol Pediatr. 2010;50(211):33-38. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/602


Introduction. The Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (TDAH) is a very prevalent disorder characterized by a cognitive dysfunction, which is try to explicate to failures in the executive functions, in the internalization of the language, in the phonological organization and in the verbal regulation.
Aims. To identify the areas of difficulty and the skills in a child with a possible diagnosed with Deficit of Attention, in order design a rehabilitation program that adapts to his profile.
Hypothesis. To check if some relation exists between the executive functioning and the linguistic functioning.
Methodology. To explore the presence of these neuropsychology disorders. We have developed a study of case of a six-year-old child who was several symptoms of a possible a deficit of attention with hyperactivity. To carry out the study they were applied: 1) semi-structured interview with parents and teachers; 2) Battery Luria-Initial; 3) Test of Raven's Progressive Counterfoils.
Outcomes. The information confirms an affectation of the linguistic functioning (Phonemic Hearing) and of the executive functioning (Verbal Regulation), not being possible to establish a relation of causality.

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