IgE-mediated allergy to cow's milk protein
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Cow'S Milk Allergy
Food Allergy

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Barrera Gómez M, Turrientes García-Rojo J, Gómez Carrasco JA, López Alonso R, García de Frías E. IgE-mediated allergy to cow’s milk protein. Bol Pediatr. 1992;33(146):349-353. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/1580


The clinical picture of the cow's milk allergy (CMA), by the IgE-rnediated mechanism of hipersensibility, were studied in twenty patients for a period of one year, in a paediatric allergy surgery. The diagnosis of the cow's milk allergy were established by strong clinical suspicion, definite disappareance of symptoms after strict elimination diet, and a positive skin prick test (?3 rnm of mean weal diameter) to casein and/or beta-lactoblobulin, and/or alfa-lactalbumin. The results indicate that cutaneous symptoms were presents in 95 %, the gastrointestinal symptoms in 30 %, and 5 % had respiratory symptoms. None of them had asthma or atopic ezcerna with clear response to elimination diet. The symptoms were developed at 5.1 ± 5 (0-15) days after the first cow milk containing meal. 7 (35 %) got their syrnptoms within 24 hours of introduction cow milk proteins. Four of six, have a total recovery at one year. The diferences observed between publised series are probably due to a diferent selection criteria. In the cow's milk allergy IgE-mediated, the symptoms are predominantly cutaneous (urticaria and angioedema), and they appear soon (few days) after cow milk introduction in the diet.


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