Outbreak of Echovirus type 6 meningitis
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Aseptic meningitis
Echovirus type 6

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Iglesias Escalera G, Elvira Pardilla A, Marrero Calvo M, Carpintero Martín I, Rodrigo Palacios J, Merino Arribas J. Outbreak of Echovirus type 6 meningitis. Bol Pediatr. 1998;38(164):99-101. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/1355


Objective. To describe the epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings of an outbreak of Echovirus type 6 meningitis.
Patients and methods. We performed a retrospective study of medical records of pediatric patients aged under 14 years with aseptic viral meningitis.
Results. Between February 1997 and August 1997, 27 children under 14 years were diagnosed of aseptic viral meningitis. Median age was 5,8 years (range: 3-12,8). There was a male predominance with a male/female ratio of 2,3/1. Median temperature was 38,1°C. The principal clinical features were: headache (88,8%), vomiting (85,1%), positive meningeal signs (70,7%) and malaise (51,8%). The median white blood cell count was 11604 leukocytes per mm3 with 78,7% of neutrophils. LCR analysis showed the following values (median values): cells: 129/mm3 (41,2 lymphocytes), glucose: 61,9 mg/dL and proteins: 34 mg/dL. In 11 cases samples of faeces were investigated for virus isolation. In seven cases (72%) Echovirus type 6 was isolated. 55% of patients received supportive care (analgesics and hidroelectrolitic solutions). Antibiotherapy was made in 45% of cases until negative bacteriologic LCR cultures are received (Median: 3,2 days). There was a good outcome in all cases.
Conclusions. 1)Outbreaks of Enterovirus meningitis are common in pediatric age. 2)Clinical and laboratory findings are inespecific. 3)There was a high virus isolation rate from faeces samples in acute phase.

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