Déficit de hierro en los dos primeros años de vida y alteraciones de la conducta y el aprendizaje
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Iron deficiency
Behavior and learning disorders

How to Cite

Lozano de la Torre MJ. Déficit de hierro en los dos primeros años de vida y alteraciones de la conducta y el aprendizaje. Bol Pediatr. 2002;42(181):241-243. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/1127


Abstract Iron deficiency is the most frequent nutritional deficit in infants and small children within industrialized countries. Several studies have demonstrated a causal relationship between iron deficiency and mental and motor development disorders that persist after treatment and that have a repercussion on learning in school aged subject. In this article, a up-dated review is made of the subject and the recommendations to prevent iron deficiency are recalled.

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