Agammaglobulinemia de Bruton (1952-2002). Cincuenta años de inmunodeficiencias primarias
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X chromosome
btk gene
Primary immunodeficiency

How to Cite

Blanco Quirós A, Arranz Sanz E, Solís Sánchez M. Agammaglobulinemia de Bruton (1952-2002). Cincuenta años de inmunodeficiencias primarias. Bol Pediatr. 2002;42(181):208-216. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Abstract Fifty years ago Bruton reported the first case of X-linked agammaglobulinemia in Pediatrics. The Spanish first agammaglobulinemia was published in the Boletín of SCALP in 1962. Since this time, the concept and the diagnosis of Primary Immunodeficiencies has experimented a very important development. The genetic techniques have identified the Bruton's tyrosine kinase gene (btk) as the responsible of agammaglobulinemia; it has facilitated the identification of different severity forms. Besides, evidences are increasing supporting that btk gene is involved in some kind of infections, clinically very far of Bruton?s agammaglobulinemia.

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