Lipoblastoma retroperitoneal: a propósito de un caso
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Urinary tract infection.

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de Andrés Fraile M, de Diego García E, Fernández Jiménez I, Vidal J, Sandoval González F. Lipoblastoma retroperitoneal: a propósito de un caso. Bol Pediatr. 2003;43(183):56-59. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Abstract Lipoblastoma and lipoblatomatosis are rare benign neoplasms of embryonic fat tissue that occur almost exclusively in children. Most tumors are superficially located and asymptomatic. Those deeply seated are rare and more often symptomatic. Lipoblastoma must be distinguished from liposarcoma but a preoperative diagnosis is not possible. Surgery and subsequent histopathologic analysis, and even cytogenic evaluation, is the best diagnostic and therapeutic method. We report the case of a 19 month-old boy diagnosed of an urinary tract infection. Ultrasonography revealed an homogeneous retroperitoneal mass. Cytology was done by means of a fine needle aspiration and a diagnosis of lipoma was made. At surgery a fatty tumor that compressed ureter and bladder was observed. The final histopathological diagnosis of lipoblastoma was made. We emphasize that it is a rare tumor, mainly in this location and exhibiting the sintomatology described.

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