Vol. 46 No. Supl.1 (2006): Protocols in Pediatric Hospital Care
Protocols in Pediatric Hospital Care
Full Issue
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A. Concha Torre
2 - 9
First evaluation and initial treatment of polytramatized child
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Marta Los Arcos Solas, P. Touza Pol
10 - 12
Pediatric resuscitation trolley in the hospitals
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P. Fernández González, M.C. Polo Mellado
13 - 18
Urticaria. Angioedema. Analphylaxis
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F. Santos
19 - 23
Nephrotic syndrome
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S. Málaga Guerrero, F. A. Ordóñez Álvarez
24 - 28
Hypertensive episodes
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J. Ardura Fernández, J. Aldana Gómez
29 - 34
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
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R. Palencia
35 - 41
Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the child in coma
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J.L. Herranz, A. Argumosa
42 - 48
Seizure status
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A. Pérez Guirado, J. de Juan Frigola
49 - 55
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
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J.R. Gutiérrez Martínez, C. Tomé Nestal
56 - 60
Acute ataxia
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F. Hermoso López
61 - 68
Treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis in the child and adolescent
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I. Riaño Galán, J I. Suárez Tomás
69 - 75
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C. Rey Galán, S. Menéndez Cuervo
76 - 83
Electrolytic disorders
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S. Jiménez Treviño, J. Rodríguez Suárez
84 - 90
Acute dehydration. Rehydration
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C. Bousoño García, E. Ramos Polo
91 - 99
Inflammatory bowel disease
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J.M. Marugán de Miguelsanz, M.T. Fernández Castaño
100 - 106
Enteral nutrition in Pediatrics
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R. Payo Pérez, O. Serrano Ayestarán
107 - 112
Initial management of pediatric sepsis-septic shock
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C. Molinos Norniella, C. Pérez Méndez
113 - 118
Complicated pneumonia. Parapneumonic effusion and empyema
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J. Rodríguez Suárez, S. Suárez Saavedra
119 - 124
Child abuse
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G.D. Coto Cotallo, A. Ibáñez Fernández
125 - 134
Therapeutic diagnostic protocol of neonatal sepsis
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G. Solís Sánchez, C. Menéndez Arias
135 - 140
Acute renal failure of the newborn
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A. Urbón Artero, C. Reig del Moral
141 - 144
Neonatal screening
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G. Galicia Poblet, M. Aragón García
145 - 150
Neonatal seizures
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V.M. Marugán Isabel, C. Ochoa Sangrador
151 - 159
Perinatal management of congenital defects
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C. González Armengod, M.F. Omaña Alonso
160 - 165
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome or hyaline membrane disease
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E. Álvaro Iglesias, L. Castañón López
166 - 171
Neonatal transportation (transfer)
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I. Fernández Jiménez, I. de Las Cuevas Terán
172 - 178
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
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