Vol. 31 No. 136 (1990)
Full Issue
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F. Forriol Campos, J.A. Pascual Maiques, L. Gómez Pellico
91 - 95
Development of weight and height in a population from Valencia between 3 and 11 years old
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I. Fidalgo Álvarez, J.A. Gómez Carrasco, D. López Pacios, F. Martínez Quiroga
97 - 101
Tuberculosis infection in childhood: 1983-1989 casuistic
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A. Gonzalez de Aledo Linos, F. Álvarez Alduán, C. Pérez Santos
103 - 107
Fluoride levels in drinking waters from Cantabria and its implication in pediatrics programmes for the caries prevention
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C. Ochoa Sangrador, L. Rico, J.M. Andrés, S. Alberola, A. Calvo Grindilla
109 - 116
Accidents in childhood
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M.D. Suárez, C. Zazo, C. Rodríguez Cebrián, M. Iturralde
117 - 120
The fever, is its meaning and care well known?
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B. Marcilla Alconero, C. Ruiz Miguel, M. Ruiz Bobillo, P. Garzón Sendino
121 - 124
Interest of systematic blood analytic in the health examination
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Imágenes en Pediatría

V. Henales Villate, J. Hervás Palazón, P. López, A. Mas, A. Graner, M. Herrera Savall
125 - 126
Insuficiencia cardiaca secundaria a intoxicación por adriamicina
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Clinical cases

M.J. Lozano de la Torre, V. Canduela, I. Ortuzar, J. Gómez-Ullate, R. Galván
127 - 134
Congenital syphilis, a propos of 2 cases
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L. Rodríguez Molinero, E. Jiménez Mena, J.M. Muro Tudelilla, A. González Pérez, C. Rodríguez Sánchez, F. Fernández de la Heras
135 - 139
Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy or Jeune's disease
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Mª.R. Bachiller, A.Mª. Hernández, A. Martínez, E. Pastor
141 - 144
A case of multiple cartilaginous exostosis
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Z. García Amorín, C. Pérez Méndez, E. Ramos Polo, L. Alonso Bernardo, I. Pérez García, J. López Sastre
145 - 149
Hepatic hemangioendothelioma associated to hemihypertrophy
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Special article

A. Blanco Quirós
151 - 160
Childhood health in Castilla y León
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