Vol. 31 No. 138 (1990)
Full Issue
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A. Blanco Quirós
289 - 290
Where are the Science going to?
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M. Crespo Hernández
291 - 302
Growth and nephropathy. An aproach from general pediatrics
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S. Málaga, C. Rey, G. Orejas, A. Merten, F. Santos
303 - 315
Renal masses in pediatric age
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J. Eiros, J.I. Reguera, R. Bachiller, R. Ortiz de Lejarazu, A. Rodríguez Torres
317 - 324
Human herpesvirus 6: A review and pediatric role
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J. Hernández González
325 - 331
Study of allergic symptoms in Salamanca province during 1989
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M. Alonso Franch, M.J. Redondo, M. Marbán, C. Calvo
333 - 337
Proceeding in button battery ingestion
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J.J Díez Tomás, Julia Barreiro Daviña, Gonzalo Solís Sánchez, Gil Daniel Coto Cotallo, Manuel Crespo Hernández
339 - 345
Etiology of congenital cardiopathies in Asturias. Analysis of Genetical factors
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Imágenes en Pediatría

V. Henales Villate, M. Jané Santamaría, M. Hernández González, J. Pérez Payarols, E. Sánchez Villares
347 - 349
Diagnóstico: invaginación intestinal crónica
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Clinical cases

J. Sánchez Martín, B. González de la Rosa, G. de la Mata Franco, J.G. Pardo García, C. Arneman Reyes, A. Avellanosa Arnaiz
351 - 356
Precocious puberty in a 10-month-old infant. LHRH analogues treatment
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I. Sinovas, E.J. Mena, C. Pastor, J.M. Muro, M. Garrido, I. Padrones, A. González, F.F. de las Heras
357 - 364
Kawasaki disease. Two cases report, one of them with gallblader hydrops
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F.J. López Ávila, P. Cagigas Daza, C. Lamas Meilan, A. Mosteiro Ponce
365 - 367
Testicular torsion in Schoenlein-Henoch purpura. A case report
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