Drug treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

How to Cite

Pozo de Castro J, de La Gándara Martín J, García Mayoral V, García Soto X. Drug treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Bol Pediatr. 2005;45(193):170-176. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/968


Attention deficit-hiperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become almost the major pathology in the field of child and adolescent clinical Psychiatry because of its prevalence and biographical impact. Although a multidimensional treatment is required, pharmacologic therapy represents the basic resource. The primary alternative are psychostimulants, shown as effective and well tolerated. Antidepressants and alpha adrenergic agonists are prescribed as a second option of treatment, suitable when stimulants do not work or in special clinical circumstances. Recent publications about atomoxetine, as a new medicament specifically developed for ADH, have assessed its safety and effectiveness. Investigation of pharmacological treatment of ADH keeps on, lately focused in different neurochemical mechanisms.

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