Use of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as a screening tool in psychiatric disorders in the pediatrics consultations of Primary Care
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Mental health
Behavioral disorder
SDQ test

How to Cite

Mata Zubillaga D, Suárez Rodríguez Á., Torres Hinojal C, Carro Serrano A, Ortega García E. Use of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as a screening tool in psychiatric disorders in the pediatrics consultations of Primary Care. Bol Pediatr. 2009;49(209):259-262. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Mental health disorders affect a significant portion of the child population. Diagnosis is complex because it is difficult to assess the behavior of patients appropriately in their social context and evolving.
We designed a study to assess the SDQ questionnaire as a screening tool for disorders of mental health in a pediatric primary care consultation. We included 108 children belonging to three different consultations, which included the questionnaire and collected information about risk factors. Of these, 10 had resulted altered, and 9 were sent for psychiatric assessment at the service of children and adolescents. Five patients had risk factors. ADHD is diagnosed in 3 of them, none of these with risk factors. None of the patients had been informed or consulted the pediatrician for changes in behavior.
The questionnaire SDQ represents a useful diagnostic tool in the consultation of pediatric primary care. The screening of patients conducted with the same result of great help in identifying mental disorders, facilitating the diagnosis by the psychiatrist.

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