Fear of choking: an eating disorder or specific phobia?
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Choking Phobia
Deglutition disorders

How to Cite

García de Ribera CG de R, Marugán de Miguelsanz J, Geijo Uribe S, Imaz Roncero C. Fear of choking: an eating disorder or specific phobia?. Bol Pediatr. 2010;50(211):25-27. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/600


Eating disorders represent some of the most common problem behaviours in children. The best known are the classic eating disorders, especially, the anorexia nervosa. Nevertheless, we can make differential diagnosis with other pathologies who present similar symptomatology, as the fear of choking or “choking phobia”, less known and with still confused diagnostic criteria, in spite of the progressive increase of its prevalence. The patients present an intense fear of choking, they avoid to consume solid food, drinks or tablets, in absence of organic medical problem. The early treatment is fundamental in order to obtain a good evolution, therefore it is important to establish an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible. We describe two cases of children with fear of choking, triggered by a traumatic event, who were admitted to the Unit of Infanto-juvenile Psychiatry of the Clinical University Hospital of Valladolid.

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