Ginecomastia: fisiopatology and update of the therapeutic options
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How to Cite

Núñez FN, Artola Aizalde E, Cancela Muñiz V, Fernández Ramos C, Rodrigo Palacios J. Ginecomastia: fisiopatology and update of the therapeutic options. Bol Pediatr. 2011;50(214):263-271. Accessed September 19, 2024.


The term ginecomastia defines an increase of the glandular mammary tissue in the male breast, that generally appears in some periods of the life as the period neonatal, puberal or senile, being the expression of certain disbalance in the action of oestrogens and androgens in the mammary gland and that usually progress towards the spontaneous resolution.
It is usually a benign process, in which habitually we don´t know the etiologic factor that determines it, but occasionally, it can be the expression of an endocrinologycal or tumour underlying alteration. Though nowadays there is no treatment accepted by the FDA and EMA for this entity, there are multiple medicaments that have been used in the treatment of the same one.
In this work, we do an updated review of the different therapeutic existing options, with a schematic description of the etiopathogenic factors with some reviews of innovations contributed in the literature in relation to the same ones.

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