A case of congenital malaria by Plasmodium vivax: an incidental case within the context of
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Plasmodium vivax

How to Cite

Sánchez Hernández DP, Valencia Libreros D, Uribe Macías J, et al. A case of congenital malaria by Plasmodium vivax: an incidental case within the context of. Bol Pediatr. 2012;52(219):33-36. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/482


Congenital malaria is a disease relatively rare in the context of neonatal pathologies. We report the case of an infant of twenty days of life with malaria congenital whose a plasmodium processing a laboratory sample in the context of neonatal sepsis. The patient was from non-endemic area but with no previously know maternal history of gestational malaria seven months, which was no treated by omission of the la patient. The nonspecific clinical manifestations were similar to those of neonatal sepsis and antimalarial treatment with chloroquine was carried out with adequate clinical response and confirmed by thick smear negative at the end of treatment. Hence it is considered very important to have more and more into account as differencial diagnosis in patient from risk areas besides the differential diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.

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