Left handed and right handed persons: etiopathogeny and health
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Functional laterality
Cerebral dominance
Immune system
Mental disorders
Newborn diseases

How to Cite

Muñoz Lozón A, Revilla Orías M, Domínguez Sánchez P, Gautreaux Minaya S, Fernández Miaja M, Rodríguez Fernández L. Left handed and right handed persons: etiopathogeny and health. Bol Pediatr. 2014;54(227):14-19. Accessed December 4, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/388


Introduction. The origin of the laterality and its influence in the presence of pathology has been studied by various authors without having obtained any definitive conclusion on the matter. The objectives of this review are to examine the prevalence of laterality, study its etiology and constraints, and deepen the relationship between the laterality and health.

Development. There are various theories about the origin of laterality. The majority of the authors agree that there is a genetic component, but it is unknown the mechanisms of inheritance, and the gene or genes involved. On the other hand, seems to be that certain intrauterine hormonal levels, such as testosterone, melatonin, or vitamin D may play a role in the development of a laterality not skillful. Other prenatal events, such as infections or hypoxia, also appear to influence the hemispheric specialization. In addition there is a strong environmental infl uence on the preference manual. Either as a cause or as a result, it has been related the laterality with certain pathologies and adverse events, such s etiology and constraints, and deepen the relationship between the laterality and health.

Conclusions. Although there are various studies on the origin, the pathogenesis and the implications for the health of a laterality does not right hand, there are many questions that remain to be resolved. However, there is evidence to believe that the left-handed individuals might be more prone to certain diseases. A further study in this fi eld could provide a more comprehensive knowledge on the functioning of the central nervous system and its infl uence on certain diseases

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