Update in renal and upper urinary tract anomalies in pediatrics
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Multicystic kidney
Renal ectopia
Horseshoe kidney
Pyelo-ureteral stenosis
Ureteral duplicity
Ectopic ureter
Posterior urethral valves

How to Cite

Alonso Arroyo V, Molina Vázquez M, Gómez Beltrán O, Carrillo Arroyo I, Sánchez Abuín A. Update in renal and upper urinary tract anomalies in pediatrics. Bol Pediatr. 2019;59(247):19-31. Accessed September 19, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/213


Pediatric Urology comprises an extensive series of pathologies of variable complexity, which affect the urogenital system, and account for approximately 50% of surgical interventions in pediatric surgery. We will describe those ones of greater impact and clinical repercussion from the surgical point of view, highlighting the so-called CaKUt or congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract. the latter have their origin in the alteration of some of the processes during the renal development: a) Malformation of the renal parenchyma: hypoplasia, dysplasia, renal agenesis and multicystic kidney (MCdK). b) abnormalities related to the migration of the kidneys: renal ectopia and fusion anomalies. c) abnormalities in the development of the collecting system: pyelo-ureteral stenosis, ureteral duplicities, primary megaureter, ectopic ureter, ureterocele and posterior uretral valves. R The objective of this article is to inform about the cases in which surgery is necessary to solve a urological problem in the child, and the best time to perform the intervention.


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