Obstetric brachial paralysis (PBO): incidence, clinical evolution and multidisciplinary treatment in a third-level hospital
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Shoulder Dystocia
Infant, Newborn
Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy
Extraction, Obstetrical

How to Cite

Santos Gómez L, Jiménez Palazuelos S, Muñoz Lumbreras M, Mesa Lombardero E, Menéndez Viso A, Arias Llorente RP. Obstetric brachial paralysis (PBO): incidence, clinical evolution and multidisciplinary treatment in a third-level hospital. Bol Pediatr. 2025;64(270):273-280. Accessed February 5, 2025. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/1881


Introduction. Obstetric brachial palsy (OBP) is a relatively common pathology caused by traction of the brachial plexus during childbirth. Although the prognosis is generally good, in many cases multidisciplinary therapy is required and patients may not fully recover function.

Objective. To determine the incidence of OBP among newborns in our hospital with a descriptive analysis of the sample of newborns suffering from this complication. To analyze the requirement for rehabilitative and/or surgical treatment and the functional prognosis.

Patients and methods. Observational, longitudinal and retrospective study of newborns controlled by the Rehabilitation Service of our hospital for OBP between 2015 and 2022.

Results. Between 2015 and 2022, 18 cases have been documented. The incidence among those born in our hospital has been 1.1/1,000 live births. 61% were from instrumental births and 16.7% from eutocic births. 33% were shoulder dystocias and 27.8% had a coexisting fracture of the ipsilateral clavicle. 38.8% were macrosomic (weight > 4,000 g) and 66.6% had weight > p90. 72.2% had upper paralysis and 22% complete, with exclusive lower paralysis found in one patient. Regarding the evolution, 33% were referred to Plastic Surgery, all requiring surgical intervention. 61% had a good evolution with complete recovery (81.8% of those born in our hospital).

Conclusions. Although PBO usually has a good prognosis with adequate rehabilitation follow-up, those neonates with complete paralysis usually show sequelae despite surgical treatment. A multidisciplinary approach with good coordination between professionals is necessary.

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