Introduction and objective. Neonatal pain should be taken into account in newborn care. The main objective was to identify the degree of pain according to the type of puncture using the PIPP-R (Premature Infant Pain Profile- Revised) pain scale.
Material and methods. An observational, cross-sec- tional, prospective, descriptive study was designed. Data on the level of pain in venipuncture and heel puncture techniques were collected using the PIPP-R scale and related to the characteristics of the subjects.
Results. A total of 126 interventions were recorded: newborns with a mean gestational age of 33.4 weeks. 79% were blood draws through capillary punctures and 21% through venous puncture. The results according to the PIPP-R scale were: 61.6% mild pain; 26.4% moderate pain and 12% severe pain. In all cases, non-pharmacolog- ical analgesia methods (24% sucrose or breast milk) and containment were used. Higher pain scores were observed in newborns of lower gestational age, but no differences were found based on the type of technique or analgesia used.
Conclusions. Pain assessment should be incorporated into daily practice as the 5 vital sign through the use of pain measurement scales in invasive puncture techniques performed by nursing staff. Blood sampling techniques performed by specialized staff do not show differences in pain intensity. Otherwise, more intense pain is associated with lower weight and lower gestational age.
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