Psychiatric emergencies in the child and adolescent population
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Adolescent psychiatry
Child psychiatry
Emergency medical services
Pediatric emergency medicine

How to Cite

Riesgo Rubio A, Seijo Zazo E. Psychiatric emergencies in the child and adolescent population. Bol Pediatr. 2024;64(268):125-130. Accessed October 16, 2024.


The increased demand for mental health care is a fact reflected in multiple studies. If we talk about child and adolescent populations, in particular after the COVID-19 pandemic, we can observe an increase in demand for care, which includes visits to emergency services. In child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies, patients are treated for increasingly diverse reasons. Some of the most frequent that emergency services professionals should be aware of are psychomotor agitation, suicidal ideation, anxiety disorder, consumption of toxic substances, or side effects of psychotropic drugs. Each of them has a series of recommendations for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. Finally, care for younger patients and abusive situations deserve special mention due to their special particularities. In conclusion, the presence of psychopathology at increasingly younger ages is an indisputable fact and for this reason, it is necessary to have correctly trained professionals that can guarantee the best treatment for these patients. Therefore, collaboration between the different levels of care is essential.

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