Renal masses in pediatric age
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Renal Masses
Multicystic Displastic Kidney
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma
Wilms' Tumor
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Vein Thrombosis

How to Cite

Málaga S, Rey C, Orejas G, Merten A, Santos F. Renal masses in pediatric age. Bol Pediatr. 1990;31(138):303-315. Accessed September 20, 2024.


During the pediatric age, almost 50 per cent of the abdominal masses are located in the urinary tract. The diagnosis is based on the clinical exploration and, mainly, on the radiological procedures (X-Ray films, ultrasonography, micturating cystourethrogram, intravenous pyelography, computerized tomography, nuclear magnetic resonancy and radioisotope examinations). In the newborn, renal masses use to be of cystic nature (hydronefrosis and multicystic dysplastic kidney) being the solid masses (mesoblastic nephroma or renal vein thrombosis) quite rare. In the infant and scholar, Wilms' tumor is the most cornmon diagnosis while hydronefrosis is getting every time more unfrequent due to the prenatal ultrasonography generalization.


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