Individual suplement of fluor in day nurseries of Cantabria
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Day Nursey

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Gonzaléz de Aledo A, Mambrilla M. Individual suplement of fluor in day nurseries of Cantabria. Bol Pediatr. 1993;34(147):13-18. Accessed September 19, 2024.


A programme of supplemental addition of fluor was started up in Cantabria by the Dirección Regional de Bienestar Social. The first phase (assesment of caries prevalence) included 606 children. The caries prevalence between 3-5 years of age was 15,7 %. The second phase (habits and response to fluoration) included 424 families. Only the 15,2 % of children were receiving supplemental fluor at home. The 91 % of families supported the supplemental addition fo fluor at the day nursery and only the 1,8 % showed an active opposition to fluoration. The third phase (active campaign of fluoration) included 507 children during the term 1991-92 and about 517 in the actual term, 1992-93. The practical aspects about the course of the fluoration programme and the controversial fluor dose are discussed.


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