Severe saline poisoning due to excessive intake of sodium in oral rehydration
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Oral Rehidratation
Saline Poisoning
Peritonela Dialisys
Status Epilepticus

How to Cite

Sinovas I, Fierro A, Martínez M, Mediavilla J, Muro J, Mena E. Severe saline poisoning due to excessive intake of sodium in oral rehydration. Bol Pediatr. 1994;35(153):239-243. Accessed September 19, 2024.


We report a 6 months and 15 days old male with a seve­re saline poisoning (blood Na: 198 mEq/l) due to excessive intake of oral rehydra­tion solution (ORS). The severity of hydroelectric picture required a peritoneal dialysis as well as the status epilepticus nedeed anesthesia with thiopental and mechanical ventilation with intermittent positive pressure for.


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