Differential diagnosis in child abuse
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How to Cite

Morales Franco B, de la Morena Fernández M. Differential diagnosis in child abuse. Bol Pediatr. 1994;35(153):193-199. Accessed September 20, 2024. https://boletindepediatria.org/boletin/article/view/1493


The aim of this paper is sensitize to physicians and paediatricians about importance of differential diagnostic in child abuse, since when we'll take into account that accidents and some diseases are posible to cause injuries similar abuse ones, we'll be able to achieve, on the one hand, do not diagnose an accidented child or with diseases when he is an abused child and, on the other, to detect cases of maltreatment precociously and effectively what could be omitted. With this purpose, the special characteristics that differ maltreatment from other syndromes and accidents are showed in each stage of maltreat­ment diagnosis.


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