Vasculorenal hypertension in adolescents
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Renovascular hypertension
percutaneus transluminal angioplasty

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Sierra E, Jiménez S, Sánchez R, González García J, Calleja S. Vasculorenal hypertension in adolescents. Bol Pediatr. 1997;37(162):247-250. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Objective: Describe the diagnosis methods, evolution, and complications in a case of renovascular hipertension due to bilateral fibrodisplasia. Case report: A 16 years old teenager, who refers dizziness during exercise. BP: 200/120. Physical examination, kidney function, and complementary studies were unremarcable, without visceral repercussion. Kidney eco-doppler and arteriography showed bilateral stenosis of both main arteries. The patient presents kidney faliure after Captopril administration, that recovers. After bilateral transluminal angioplasty, he remains with normal blood pressure. Three months later, he presents right reestenosis that requires new angioplasty and after the procedure a segmentary kidney infart wiht favourable further evolution. After two and a half years follow up, he remains asymptomatic and with normal blood pressure.


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