Programa de detección precoz de la hipoacusia infantil en Cantabria
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Infant hipoacusia

How to Cite

González de Aledo Linos A, Morales Angulo C, Santiuste Aja F, et al. Programa de detección precoz de la hipoacusia infantil en Cantabria. Bol Pediatr. 2001;41(175):54-61. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Abstract Here we presented the Early Detection Program of Infant Hipoacusia that is going implemented in Cantabria from the present year 2001. It is a universal program (not only directed to risk groups, but to the whole newborn population) and free (so much for children born in public as private hospitals of our Community). It is structured in 5 levels, the first three being those of screening properly said. In the population without risk factors two initial levels based on Acoustic Evoked Otoemisions are established, being submitted the children that do not surpass the 2º level to a specific Unit (Early Detection Unit of Infant Hipoacusia) where will be applied Evoked Potentials and/or other diagnostic techniques until arriving to the confirmation and etiologic diagnosis. Children with risk factors will be submitted directly to the Early Detection Unit of Infant Hipoacusia to be studied through Evoked Potentials and/or Acoustic Evoked Otoemisions. The indices that will be used to evaluate the program are specified, as well as its objectives.

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