Neumomediastino infantil en el Área de Salud del Bierzo, 1989-2000
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Extra-alveolar air syndrom
Subcutaneous emphysema
Mediastinal emphysema
Thoracic pain
Differencial diagnosis
Hamman´s sign

How to Cite

González Martínez M, Fernández Quintas M, Selas Domínguez L, Mosquera Villaverde C, Toribio Sánchez C. Neumomediastino infantil en el Área de Salud del Bierzo, 1989-2000. Bol Pediatr. 2001;41(177):163-167. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Abstract Child spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an aparently rare condition except during neonatal time. It´s usually seen in healthy children in association with the acute production of high intrathoracic pressures. A retrospective review of the cases of pediatric pneumomediastinum from 1988 to 2000 was made in order to know its cumulative incidence and its etiologic, clinic and evolutive characteristics, in our ?Health Area?. Neonatal extra-alveolar air syndroms were excluded. Seven pneumomediastinum cases were diagnosed, meaning a cumulative incidence oh 31.69 per 100,000 between 1989 and 2000. The incidence for spontaneous pneumotorax in the same period was 9.05 per 100,000. A short predominance in men was detected (57%). Four cases were etiologically related with pneumological pathology such as bronchiolitis, asthma or foreign body aspiration; one of the cases was associated with closed traumatism. The most common complaint was the dyspnea, and cervical and thoracic pain. Hamman´s sign was detected only in two cases. All of cases were resolved successfully with conservative treatment.

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