Bibliographic reference management with Zotero
Portada nº 259
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Information Storage and RetrievaL
Medical Informatics

How to Cite

Pérez Solís D. Bibliographic reference management with Zotero. Bol Pediatr. 2022;62(259):3-11. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Managing and classifying biomedical literature stored during healthcare, teaching, and research purposes is a huge challenge for health professionals. Reference managers are software that helps scholars to store and organize documents and bibliographic references. They also make easier to manage bibliographic citations and creating bibliography when writing a scholarly manuscript. Basic features and the evolution of the two more complete free reference managers currently available –Zotero and Mendeley– are reviewed. Finally, use of Zotero is described with more detail, including the new features included in Zotero 6 upgrade. New free reference managers are able to meet the needs of most health care professionals for comprehensive management of their documents and references collections.

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